Decker W, Koya B, Davis ML, Gayzik FS. “Modular use of human body models of varying levels of complexity: validation of head kinematics.” Accepted for podium presentation at the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference (ESV), Detroit MI, June 2017.
Decker W, Koya B, Gayzik FS. “Use of Finite Element Human Body Models in a Standardized Evaluation Protocol for Pedestrian Safety Assessment.” Accepted for podium presentation at the World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin Ireland, July 2018.
Decker W, Koya B, Gayzik FS. “Validation of Detailed Organ Modularity in a Simplified Human Body Model.” Accepted for podium presentation at the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI) Europe, Athens Greece, September 2018.
Decker W, Koya B, Tushak S, Shin J, Choi HY, Gayzik FS. “Application of the EuroNCAP Pedestrian Protocol using the GHBMC Family of Pedestrian Models: Verification across Three Dynamic FEA Solvers.” Invited speaker at the CARHS Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering, Berlin Germany, October 2018.